Beaverdam and Rouzie Chapel’s COVID Response:

Beaverdam UMC and Rouzie’s Chapel UMC have collaborated in their worship approach since the beginning of the pandemic.  The collaboration will continue as we move forward with worship and other ministries. 

Online Worship on Facebook and the Website: 

We offer a live stream worship service of prayer, scripture and a message on Facebook each Sunday morning starting around 8am.  The service is also posted on the website Sunday morning, usually by 9am. 

In-Person Worship: 

We are worshiping together each Sunday following the guidelines below.

9:30 am Worship at Rouzie’s Chapel UMC.

11:00 am Worship at Beaverdam UMC.

Day of Worship:

·      If you are feeling ill, stay home and be safe

·      If you have been exposed to anyone who has had COVID in the last 5 days we ask that you stay home and be safe.

Worship Service:

·      Masks are optional if you are fully vaccinated.

·      Singing is allowed if fully vaccinated.  If not vaccinated, you are invited to hum along with the hymns. 

·      For communion we have prepackaged elements for those who choose to use them.

·      There is no nursery care available for worship. All children are encouraged to attend worship.