What to Expect on your First Sunday:

When you join us for Worship at either Rouzie’s Chapel UMC (9:30am) or at Beaverdam UMC (11:00am) you will encounter a very welcoming, casual, vibrant, traditional United Methodist Worship Service.  The acolytes light the candles to start the service. We sing a mix of contemporary songs and traditional hymns that are based on our faith.  There is a children’s message time where we talk to the children about our faith on their level.   The choir might sing and anthem, the scriptures are read from the bible and there is a message (sermon).  Part of our time together is spent sharing our joys and concerns with each other and spending time communal prayer.  We normally share Communion, The Lord’s Supper each week.  Our Communion table is open to all who are seeking God’s grace in their lives.  After the service is over, there is a time of fellowship that just might include some snacks! 

Come as you are, we come dressed for worship in anything from shorts to suites and dresses. 

Join us at

Beaverdam UMC

19338 Beaver Dam Road Beaverdam, VA, 23015

11:00 am Worship




21089 Green Bay Road, Beaverdam, VA 23015

9:30 am Worship